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P W P Pratiwi
Politeknik Negeri Bali

N.S. Hardika
Politeknik Negeri Bali

Keywords : self-assessment, tax morale, tax sanctions, and distributive justice dan the tax payer’s compliance.


Abstract. In the self-assessment system, the internal and external factors that encourage taxpayer compliance are important. The aim of this further research is because of indications of non-compliance of individual taxpayers. This study analyzes the effect of tax morale, tax sanctions and distributive justice on the compliance of individual taxpayers. The sample determined based on the Slovin formula, the total population is 59.360 of individual tax payers that listed in East Denpasar’s Tax Office, and based on the calculation the sample 100 respondents was obtained. The data in this research were obtained from the distribution of research questionnaires with measurements using a likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The analysis uses multiple regression with the SPSS program. The results showed that partially each independent variable,which consist of: tax morale, tax sanctions, and distributive justice had a positive and significant influence on taxpayer’s compliance and simultaneously all of those variable had a positive and significant effect on taxpayer’s compliance in East Denpasar Taxpayers. The results of this study also show that both internal factors (tax morale) and external factors (tax sanctions and distributive justice) are important factors that need to be considered to improve individual taxpayer’s compliance. 

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Vol. 11No. 1 (2023): Simposium Nasional Akuntansi Vokasi (SNAV)

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