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Tetty Rimenda
Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Iftita Rahmi
Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

dan Umar Issa Zubaidi
Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Keywords : Accountability, Crowdfunding, Gen Z, Trust


Crowdfunding-based donations have been widely found in Indonesia. Many institutions collect funds from the public and distribute them for the benefit of the wider community. The current phenomenon is that many Gen Z donate to Crowdfunding institutions because the method of fundraising really helps Gen Z, who are technology savvy. This study wants to find out what factors make Gen Z interested in donating, one of which is suspected is Trust and accountability. This study examines Swift Trust and Accountability on Gen Z's interest in donating. Generation z is a generation that basically likes to donate. On the other hand, they expect returns in the form of accountability for the funds they donate. Respondents are Gen Z who have donated to Crowdfunding. The finding is that Swift Trust or Trust in accountability that is carried out in accordance with the progress of the donation does not affect the intention to donate Gen Z. They expect accountability in the form of audited financial reports. This research proves Social Exchange Theory in Gen Z.This research proves that Social Exchange Theory applies to Gen Z. The research results can contribute to crowdsourcing donation fund managers to pay more attention to their accountability

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Vol. 11No. 1 (2023): Simposium Nasional Akuntansi Vokasi (SNAV)

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