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Muhammad Dzikri Alfajri
Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

dan Lia Amanda Putri
Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Keywords : Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), PRISMA Integrated System, TELOS Framework, PIECES Framework.


In achieving a successful governance recovery of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) and accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the village level, a comprehensive guideline is needed to support the government's program focusing on the establishment and revitalization of BUMDes. Hence, the PRISMA Integrated System was developed by students with the aim of providing innovative solutions based on digital transformation. In carrying out a project, it is expected that the results align with the targets, provide benefits, and avoid losses. Therefore, a project feasibility assessment through feasibility studies and data testing is necessary. The methods used in this study are the TELOS framework and PIECES method. Each criterion in the TELOS framework produces benchmark rules for assessing a project. If the overall average score is greater than five, the project is deemed feasible. The findings indicate that the PRISMA Integrated System is feasible with a feasibility score of 8.44. Furthermore, a comparison is made between the current system and the new system after 3 months of implementing the PRISMA Integrated System using the PIECES method. The results show that the PRISMA Integrated System successfully overcame the weaknesses of the old system in various aspects. 

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Vol. 11No. 1 (2023): Simposium Nasional Akuntansi Vokasi (SNAV)

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