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I Made Wijana
Politeknik Negeri Bali

Anak Agung Putri Suardani
Politeknik Negeri Bali

Gede Made Karma
Politeknik Negeri Bali

Keywords : anuity, financial function, Microfinance institutions, Excel


Microfinance institutions such as savings and loan cooperatives and village credit institutions in Denpasar City have played a major role in rotating the economy of the Province of Bali through deposit and loan services. In designing savings and loan products, many MFIs apply the annuity concept using Microsoft EXCEL. Therefore, the objectives of this study are 1) to find out the types of annuity applications in microfinance institutions. 2) To find out how to apply an annuity problem using EXCEL with a manual formula 3) To find out how to apply an annuity problem using a financial function in EXCEL. 4) To find out the comparison of the results of applying an annuity using manual formulas and financial function in EXCEL. The population in this study were all microfinance institutions in Denpasar and eight were taken as samples. The results of the study concluded (1) The typesof application of annuities in microfinance institutions in Denpasar are the preparation of credit tables and the preparation of term savings tables (2) The application of annuities using EXCEL, namely the amount of annuities for making a term saving table and the annuity present value for a credit payment table. (3) The application of an annuity using EXCEL canbe with the financial function FV for the term a saving table and PMT for a credit payment table and RATE for finding interest rates. (4) The results of an annuity application using the financial function EXCEL are the same with formula manually results. The advantages, namely the possibility of making mistakes in making the formula is smaller than using EXCEL formula manually. 

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Vol. 11No. 1 (2023): Simposium Nasional Akuntansi Vokasi (SNAV)

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